The Dump All and Load commands (File menu) are used to dump data out of Helix, and load data into Helix.
When you dump, you create a “text-only” file on the Finder desktop. This file is identical to a text-only file created in a word processor. You have two additional alternatives to a text-only file — SYLK and DIF. These are formats in which some programs prefer to store their data. When transferring data to and from another program, check to see its “normal” format.
• What if the fields I am loading into are not text data type?
When you load data, you are entering information from a text-only file, but the information does not have to remain text-type. The effect of loading data is the same as though you were typing and tabbing from the keyboard. If the data loading in looks like “$123.00,” it can be loaded into a number-type field, and will become number-type data. This is true for all data types (except pictures). When loading into non-text fields, each entry will be checked against the allowable formats for the data type of that field. If an error is encountered, the loading will stop (unless you have specified Load to skip errors).
• Why are the Dump All and Load commands dimmed?
Dump All and Load are only available when a form is open and the form window selected. Load is not selectable when a record is being viewed.
• Can I do a mass delete using Dump All?
No. Dump All will make a copy of your files. The data you have entered remains unchanged. Mass deletion can be accomplished with the Delete All command in the View menu.
• Why isn’t my text file loading correctly?
The text file is loaded field by field in the same order in which it was dumped. Make sure that the form you are loading into and the form you have dumped from are identical in the number and the order of the fields (except when dumping calculations — see the next paragraph). It can be helpful to print out the Template you are dumping from so that you can compare it to the one you are loading into. You can also duplicate the Template, and modify it if needed (see next).
Remember that the values in a calculated field can be dumped, but you cannot load into a Rectangle containing only an Abacus icon. When loading, calculated fields will be skipped over. Therefore, if your dump form has calculated fields, you cannot use the same form for loading. In short, any field you can type into can be loaded into.
You are trying to dump or load a picture.
A field in the Relation has a validation check attached that is not being satisfied. That field is not necessarily on the form used for loading.
• How can I edit the data I have dumped?
If you have dumped your data into a text file, you should not double-click the text file to open it. This will launch Helix. Rather, open a word processor first, then open the file from within this application.